South Africa
Over 5 000 South Africans repatriated - Pandor─── 12:15 Thu, 21 May 2020

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor says her department has managed to repatriate more than 5 000 South Africans during the coronavirus pandemic.
Pandor briefed the media in Pretoria on Thursday.
"The main means of this repatriation was by air, we also had hundreds of our citizens returning through our land borders,” Pandor said. “This means we have now repatriated more than the 3 600 who had requested repatriation at the beginning of lockdown."
She said the department budgeted R90 million, but to date has only spent R10 million.
"I'm pleased to report that we have had support from the private sector with the provision of jet fuel, particularly by Sasol. This has allowed us to make use of the SAA and citizens being repatriated were able to pay for themselves, so we have not had to spend tremendous amounts of money.”
Many South Africans are still stuck abroad, including at airports, remote as well as in neighbouring countries.
Pandor said the repatriation process is not easy and appealed for patience.
She also warned that those who have been brought home and want to go back abroad due to the easing of lockdowns, will not be assisted.