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Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM

───   ELSABÉ RICHARD 05:30 Fri, 04 Nov 2022

Hier is van jou hoof landboustories op OFM | News Article
FOTO: Andrea Campher, Agri SA se risiko- en rampbestuurder/Facebook.

Ons kyk nou na jou week in die landboubedryf. OFM-nuus se Elsabé Richard-May lig nou die hoofstories op OFM vandeesweek uit.

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Agri SA sê hy is uiters bekommerd dat die 2022/23-somerseisoen tot nóg 'n groot sprinkaan-uitbreking sal lei as daar nie nou proaktiewe maatreëls getref word nie. Die organisasie se kommer volg nadat uitbrekings reeds in dele van die Noord-, Oos- en Wes-Kaap aangeteken is. Agri SA voeg by dat Suid-Afrika waarskynlik verdere sprinkaan-infiltrasie van landbougebiede sal ervaar, wat opbrengste en die vermoë om die omvang van die uitbreking te beheer, sal beïnvloed. OFM-nuus se Bambatha Giko berig in die 2021/22 boekjaar is meer as 23 miljoen hektaar grond deur sprinkaan-uitbrekings geraak - die ergste in 25 jaar.

Officials from Saudi Arabia’s Food and Drug Authority will be visiting South African red meat producers to ensure that products conform to their country’s specifications. This visit follows after South Africa's recent landmark agreement which it signed with Saudi Arabia, to export between 500 and 1 000 tonnes of red meat per annum to their country from next year. Janine Ryan, editor of Farmer's Weekly, says the announcement was made following an official state visit to Saudi Arabia by President Cyril Ramaphosa last month. OFM News previously reported that the deal is extremely positive for the South African beef sector, especially given the many challenges the industry has faced this year following outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease.

Meer as 67 000 vroue baat by die nasionale Departement van Landbou se grondhervormingsprogram, wat toegang tot grond vir verskeie behoeftes, insluitend landbou en verblyfsekerheid, bied. Die departement het dié inligting bekend gemaak na aanleiding van 'n vraag deur die EFF se Sam Matiase, wat wou weet hoeveel vroue tot op hede by die grondhervormingsprogram gebaat het. Die departement het verder verduidelik dat sedert die ontstaan van dié program, altesaam 2,8 miljoen hektaar  grond vir landbou-doeleindes aan munisipaliteite herverdeel is. Die titelaktes van hierdie grond word ook deur gemeenskappe en individue gehou.


Conditions around the world have had a considerable effect on global grains and oilseeds production. According to Wandile Sihlobo, the chief economist at Agbiz, the United States and the European Union experienced drought and heatwaves during the summer, damaging crops in some regions. This, while India received heavy rains these past few months. Adding to that, Ukraine is still at war with Russia, which has reduced activity in the fields. However, Sihlobo says the decline in these countries overshadows the relatively good crop in China, Brazil, Russia, Argentina and South Africa.


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