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ANC slams DA for silence on elderly Petrusburg businessman’s rape case

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 15:47 Thu, 22 Aug 2024

ANC slams DA for silence on elderly Petrusburg businessman’s rape case | News Article
Free State Premier, MaQueen Letsoha Mathae delivering her budget vote for 2024/25 at Fourth Raadsaal in Bloemfontein. Photo: Facebook.

“I’ve just reported about Petrusburg, the GBV issue. Nothing really horrified and shocked you about the statement I have just shared about Petrusburg.”

The ANC in the Free State has expressed disappointment over the DA’s silence on the rape allegations against a Petrusburg businessman (82).

It said the DA’s failure to condemn the alleged crime shows selective concern, particularly given the accused’s background. Albertus Hendrik van den Berg faces multiple charges of rape, reportedly involving girls as young as eight years old.

Outrage in the community

Free State Premier MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae, accompanied by Community Safety, Roads, and Transport MEC Jabu Mbalula, visited a school in Petrusburg on Monday (19/8) to address the alarming allegations of sexual abuse involving children.

Van den Berg’s case, which has sparked outrage in the community, was postponed in the Petrusburg Magistrate’s Court to 22 August, allowing for the continuation of the formal bail application process. 

Free State Premier MaQueen Letsoha-Mathae, accompanied by Community Safety, Roads, and Transport MEC Jabu Mbalula, visited a school in Petrusburg. Photo: Facebook.

The allegations first surfaced on 16 July when a concerned parent informed a teacher that a girl (8) had been discussing her frequent visits to Van den Berg’s home where she was allegedly subjected to sexual abuse. This prompted an immediate police investigation, leading to Van den Berg’s arrest on 23 July.

During a school meeting in Petrusburg, Letsoha-Mathae, and Mbalula were briefed on the disturbing situation by a social worker, who revealed that drug and alcohol abuse were prevalent in the small Free State town.

The victims were reportedly lured to Van den Berg’s home with offers of food, clothing, and money. The social worker highlighted the reluctance of some victims to come forward, noting that some parents are allegedly complicit, turning a blind eye to the abuse in exchange for money. The involvement of a nurse, allegedly related to Van den Berg, has further compounded concerns.

Speaking at a recent budget vote session in the Fourth Raadsaal, Letsoha-Mathae criticised DA members for their silence on the matter, calling out their lack of response to the horrifying allegations.

“I’ve just reported about Petrusburg, the GBV issue. Nothing really horrified you and shocked you about the statement I have just shared about Petrusburg. Your concern is somewhere else … we are singing, we are doing other things when there’s an old man (82) taking advantage of poor children,” she said.

Mbalula, who also serves as the provincial ANC spokesperson, condemned the alleged conduct of the accused, emphasising it contradicts the ANC’s values and vision of an equal society. He drew parallels between the current situation and the dark days of apartheid, where marginalised communities, particularly those on farms, faced rampant abuse.

‘The ANC would not stand idly by while vulnerable children are preyed upon’

He also criticised the DA for its apparent inaction, stating: “As we are busy intensifying our efforts to combat gender-based violence, we seek to work with all stakeholders, irrespective of political affiliation.

“We are, however, not surprised by their silence because the alleged perpetrator is an old white man. The DA protects their own!”

Mbalula vowed the ANC would not stand idly by while vulnerable children and others in society are preyed upon by those with power and influence.

OFM News/ Kekeletso Mosebetsi mvh

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