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Kimberley Children’s Choir celebrates 35 years with choral concert

───   ZENANDE MPAME 15:41 Thu, 12 Sep 2024

Kimberley Children’s Choir celebrates 35 years with choral concert  | News Article
Kimberley Children’s Choir celebrates 35 years with choral concert. Photo supplied

“Choir singing is actually a fantastic tool for children’s development as it teaches them how to work together in a group and concentration.”

Children who sing in choruses have improved academic success and learn valuable life skills. 

The Kimberley Children’s Choir (KCC) has fostered young achievers from the City of Diamonds and surrounds for 35 years. To celebrate this milestone its gifted singers will perform in a birthday concert on Saturday (14/9) in the St. Cyprian’s Cathedral.

Since January 1989, KCC has been “an example for the rest of South Africa if not the world in the manner in which children from different socio-economic, and religious backgrounds can work together in harmony and jointly achieve success”, said former conductor and coordinator Estelle Vorster.

It will be Nathan Carlo’s first full concert at the birthday concert. Photo supplied

“The choir is fully representative of the racial and cultural diversity of Kimberley and it is evident in the fact that 80% of its current members come from previously disadvantaged backgrounds.

“Choir singing is actually a fantastic tool for children’s development as it teaches them how to work together in a group and concentration.”

The birthday celebration concert will be a special performance under the direction of KCC’s new conductor, Nathan Carlo, and the new KCC accompanist, Clarise Jonas.

The birthday celebration starts on Friday (13/9) with a workshop at the St. Cyprians Cathedral with other school choirs that were invited to join the choir, there is an ongoing project that outlines what the children do in the choir.

“On Saturday (14/9) evening is our big event where the choir will perform and it will be Mr. Carlo’s first full concert, he is also the conductor of the Northern Cape Youth Symphony Orchestra that will be performing as well,” she said.

Vorster has been with the choir since it started and has conducted it for ten years. Members’ ages range from nine to 16. She let go of her role as choir conductor last year and became its coordinator.

KCC performed at the Oudtshoorn-George tour Cantamus National Choir Festival and Competition in George in August last year and won gold. They were also selected as winners in the final round of the ATKV Animato competition in Pretoria in 2015.

The birthday celebration kicks off on Friday (13/9). Photo supplied

In its 35 years, the choir has travelled to Austria, Belgium, China, Germany, and Russia and received numerous gold and silver medals.

Looking to the future, auditions will be held later this year for new members.

OFM News/Zenande Mpame mvh

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