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NW health responds to SA student in Cuba

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 15:00 Thu, 29 Jul 2021

NW health responds to SA student in Cuba | News Article
PHOTO: UN/Unsplash

The South African Government has once again come under scrutiny following complaints by irate students studying Medicine in Cuba.

The Provincial Health Departments in the country, in provinces like North West, have been criticised by students for failing to help and address their plight, which includes struggles with food, toiletries and stipends, amongst others. However, the Department of Health's spokesperson in North West, Tebogo Lekgethwane, tells OFM News that the provincial government is taking measures to address these issues following complaints from students in Cuba. Lekgethwane says due to the embargo or blockade imposed by the United States (US) on the Caribbean country, transferring funds to the Embassy has become an insurmountable challenge and hence the students' stipends were delayed.

He says the department is aware of the current conditions in Cuba which have led to the country running short of essential supplies.

“Islanders have to wait in long queues to get their normal supplies, such as foodstuffs. This affects our students as well, as they are part of the Cuban community. European banks used by SA to wire funds to Cuba have become reluctant to continue servicing Cuba as their relations with the US are jeopardised. The SA Embassy in Cuba and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) are, however, finding other ways of transferring money to Cuba and that is promising as an account has been opened with a local bank,” he adds.

Lekgethwane explains that due to tight budgetary constraints, it is a challenge to augment the stipends. “In respect of the shortage of supplies, a year ago the National Department of Health (NDOH) arranged food and other essentials for the students in Cuba and also families arranged for some packages which were delivered to Cuba through a chartered flight. So, this year, the NW Department is arranging food and other essentials for the students.

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