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Entries for the ‘Rainbow Renaissance: From Baroque to Braai’ are open

───   10:05 Thu, 19 Sep 2024

Entries for the ‘Rainbow Renaissance: From Baroque to Braai’ are open | News Article
2023 second place winner, Tiffany Baxter. Picture: Nostalgic Gamer

Artists are invited to Africanise a classic artwork by giving it a distinct South African twist.

Michelle Thöle-van Zyl, ARTi Gallery Programme Director, joins Yolanda Maartens in the OFM Art Beat in her capacity as Competition Coordinator for the 2024 Arti Art Competition.

You still have an opportunity to enter this year’s Arti Art Competition, with the theme “Rainbow Renaissance: From Baroque to Braai”.  

Artists are invited to Africanise a classic artwork by giving it a distinct South African twist. Infuse the piece with elements from our rich cultural heritage, blending and remixing it with your unique artistic touch to create a new masterpiece.

The challenge is to transform any classic artwork by incorporating South African cultural elements. This could range from references to Jan van Riebeeck, the Khoisan, African traditions, or even the beloved braai tradition. 

You may choose ANY artwork that you feel is a classic or an “Old Master”, as long as the artwork you are using as inspiration was created before1950. 

Go to www.artigallery.co.za then click on AGAC 2024: Unleash Your Creativity – ARTi Gallery Interiors, and then click on the “Enter Now” button.

2023 winner Marco Kuhn - Yesterday Today Tomorrow

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