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South Africa

#Budget2022: Complex challenges for Finance Minister

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 07:23 Wed, 23 Feb 2022

#Budget2022: Complex challenges for Finance Minister   | News Article
Enoch Godongwana PHOTO: Daily Maverick

Minister of Finance, Enoch Godongwana, will on Wednesday deliver his inaugural budget speech - while some departments struggled to spend their budget.

The tabling of the budget comes on the heels of the Public Servants Association's (PSA) concern about the South African Police Service’s (SAPS) spending. 

The association – for government employees – said in a statement only 80% of SAPS R100 billion budget was spent by 31 January. This leaves about R20 billion in their coffer still to be spent by the end of the financial year on 31 March.

The PSA says this alleged underspending came while police stations across the country are experiencing shortages in resources ranging from reliable motor vehicles and IT resources. 

Godongwana had previously asked the public to share their suggestions for the budget through the National Treasury website, regarding what the government should be spending on, how to address a large budget deficit, new sources of tax revenues, and any other information.

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