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Kovsies versterk landbou-onderwys in SA

───   09:23 Mon, 13 May 2024

Kovsies versterk landbou-onderwys in SA | News Article

“Om relevant en effektief te bly, moet landbou-onderwys ontwikkel en innovasie en tegnologie aangryp.”

OFM Inhoudsbestuurder, Elzette Boucher-Kruger, gesels met die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se dekaan van die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe, prof. Paul Oberholster, oor hoe hulle produsente van die toekoms oplei:


The agricultural sector in South Africa faces numerous challenges, including technological integration, climate change adaptation, and maintaining global food security.

The Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at the University of the Free State (UFS) plays a pivotal role in addressing these issues through its robust educational offerings and industry partnerships.

Innovation and Industry Collaboration

Agriculture remains a cornerstone of South African society. To stay relevant and effective, agricultural education must evolve, embracing innovation and technology. UFS is leading this transformation by integrating advanced agricultural technologies into its curriculum. The university collaborates closely with industry leaders, exemplified by its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Rectron, to bring cutting-edge technology to its Paradys Experimental Farm. This approach provides students with hands-on experience, ensuring they are workforce-ready, and deeply knowledgeable about agricultural technology.

Diverse Qualifications in Agricultural Sciences

UFS offers a comprehensive range of 15 undergraduate agricultural degrees, addressing all facets of the sector. These include seven BSc Agric degrees focusing on scientific principles and research, seven BAgric degrees designed around practical application and industry involvement, and a Bachelor of Sustainable Food Systems degree which emphasizes the entire agricultural value chain. This diversity ensures that students can find a niche that suits their interests and career aspirations.

List of qualifications offered by UFS in Agriculture:

BSc Agric (Animal Science)

BSc Agric (Agrometeorology)

BSc Agric (Agronomy)

BSc Agric (Soil Science)

BSc Agric (Plant Breeding)

BSc Agric (Plant Pathology)

BSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)

BAgric (Agricultural Economics)

BAgric (Agricultural Management)

BAgric (Agricultural Extension)

BAgric (Animal Production Management)

BAgric (Crop Production Management)

BAgric (Mixed Farming Management)

BAgric (Irrigation Management)

Bachelor of Sustainable Food Systems

Accessing Information at Nampo

For those interested in exploring these educational opportunities, UFS has a significant presence at the Nampo Harvest Day. Visitors can meet faculty representatives at stalls 62 & 63 in the NAMPO hall, where they can ask questions and gather information about the various programs offered.

The commitment of UFS to agricultural education illustrates a strategic response to the evolving needs of the sector, underpinned by a focus on innovation, technology integration, and industry collaboration. By training the next generation of agricultural professionals, UFS not only contributes to the sustainability of South African agriculture but also to the broader goal of global food security.

For more detailed information about each program and admission requirements, prospective students are encouraged to visit the university's website or directly contact the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.

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