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SANDF and Joe Solomon Primary School Unite for Mandela Day

───   HEIDRÈ MALGAS 14:51 Thu, 18 Jul 2024

SANDF and Joe Solomon Primary School Unite for Mandela Day | News Article
Joe Solomon Primary School along with the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) and other stakeholders, held an awareness day for the learners, teaching them about discipline. Foto: Heidre Malgas.

“Today we are celebrating a great icon in South Africa, even the world at large. If only we knew the path Dr. Nelson Mandela had to tread for us to celebrate this day.”

In commemoration of Mandela Day, Joe Solomon Primary School, along with the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) and other stakeholders, held an awareness day for the learners, teaching them about discipline and the importance of being upstanding members of society.

The school, the SANDF, and others, also visited the Olmega Old Age Home in Heidedal, where they distributed food parcels and provided warm meals to the elderly.

“Today we are celebrating a great icon in South Africa, even the world at large. If only we knew the path Dr. Nelson Mandela had to tread for us to celebrate this day,” said Quentin Canavan, Principal of Joe Solomon Primary School.

The SANDF raised the flag while the national anthem was sung. Photo: Heidre Malgas.

He added that the SANDF chose to spend their 67 minutes for Mandela Day at the school because discipline is a crucial value. He hopes the learners grasp the initiative and learn from the discipline the SANDF demonstrated.

Colonel Victor Witbooi from the SANDF. Photo: Heidre Malgas.

Colonel Victor Witbooi from the SANDF addressed the learners, emphasising that discipline begins at home. He encouraged them to respect their teachers and heed their guidance to become upstanding citizens.

Witbooi also discussed the issues of gangsterism and drugs in the community, spreading awareness about the importance of avoiding crime. He highlighted that the SANDF offers numerous career opportunities beyond being a soldier, including roles such as doctors and nurses.

Quentin Canavan, Joe Solomon Primary Principal. Photo: Heidre Malgas.

Amber Marais, a Miss World SA Top 10 finalist and a native of Heidedal, attended the event to motivate the learners. Marais is set to perform her community service at Joe Solomon School in the sports and library departments. She stressed that sport is crucial in keeping kids off the streets and shared how athletics had positively shaped her from a young age.

Amber Marais, Miss World SA Top 10. Photo: Heidre Malgas

The school’s choir serenaded the crowd with a few songs.

The Central University of Technology (CUT) helped with patching the potholes in the school’s street. They had recruited students who helped repair the potholes with tar sponsored by Ruwacon.

OFM News/Heidre Malgas mvh

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