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2025’s national playwright competition is open for entries

───   08:15 Tue, 16 Jul 2024

2025’s national playwright competition is open for entries | News Article
A scene from Ibuhlungu Le Ndawo, the play written by 2022 National Playwright winner, Sibongakonke Mama, which was presented at the 2023 National Arts Festival. Image: Mark Wessels

“This year’s competition celebrates the exceptional talent that continues to emerge from our nation's diverse cultural fabric.”

Yolanda Maartens speaks to National Arts Festival’s Artistic Director, Rucera Seethal, about the excitement to see how this rewarding project ushers the creative process from inception to presentation on stage.

The 2025 national playwright competition calls on all unpublished playwriters over the age of 18 to submit their scripts, partial scripts or script synopses with a sample of writing in any of South Africa's official languages. 

Finalists will receive R5 000 in prize money and an opportunity to be assigned an experienced writing mentor to assist them in completing their script.

Ashraf Johaardien from Business and Arts South Africa, National Playwright winner Sibongakonke Mama, and judging coordinator, Monageng Vice Motshabi, discussed the playwright competition process at the 2022 National Playwright Award announcement. Image: Frits Visser 

The winning playwright will go on to have their play produced and premiered at the National Arts Festival in 2025. The winner will also receive an additional R20 000 in prize money. This year’s competition celebrates the exceptional talent that continues to emerge from our nation's diverse cultural fabric. The entry form for the 2025 National Playwright Competition can be found here. Entries will close on 2 August 2024.

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