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Conspiracy Corner: Even Steven Spielberg is convinced we are not alone!

───   15:36 Wed, 08 Mar 2023

Conspiracy Corner: Even Steven Spielberg is convinced we are not alone! | News Article
Steven Spielberg directed the 1982 movie ET. PHOTO: Pinterest

When we think UFO, our first stop would probably be movies, right? So, it makes sense that a director such as Steven Spielberg would have an opinion about the recent UFO sightings. What came as a surprise, though, is what he had to say about this.

Remember that story we told you about weeks back? There one where a fighter jet shot down a UFO? Well, if not, click here for a quick reminder. Caught up? Good! Looks normal global citizens are not the only ones with certain views when it comes to UFOs or extraterrestrial beings. 

According to Unilad, director Steven Spielberg has shared his thoughts on the subject, and many people are wondering why he didn't share them sooner. In a recent interview on The Late Show with Steven Colbert, the Close Encounters of the Third Kind director was asked about the recent surge in UFO sightings.

Spielberg did not shy away from answering this question and boy did he answer!

"I’ve never seen a UFO. I wish I had! I’ve never seen anything I couldn’t explain. But I believe there are certain people who have seen things that they can’t explain," he told Colbert.

"I think what has been coming up recently is fascinating, absolutely fascinating. And I think the secrecy that is shrouding all of these sightings and the lack of transparency… I think there is something going on that just needs extraordinary due diligence."

Spielberg said: "I don’t believe we’re alone in the universe. I think it’s mathematically impossible that we are the only intelligent species in the cosmos. I think that’s totally impossible."

The legendary director went on to suggest his own theory behind the recent spike in 'UFO' sightings, and it's a doozy.

"It also seems impossible that someone would visit us from 400 million lightyears away, except in the movies, of course, unless it figures out some way of jumping the shark, so to speak, and getting here through wormholes.

ALSO READ: Conspiracy Corner - Fighter jet shoots down UFO

We could go on and on about this, but we are going to give you some options. Option 1, you can click here and read the rest of the story or 2, watch the Steven Colbert interview below.

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