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Concern over children’s safety after Kimberley drowning

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 14:14 Mon, 02 Dec 2024

Concern over children’s safety after Kimberley drowning | News Article
Picture: Facebook

Police are investigating the apparent drowning of a young man in the Karen Muir public swimming pool.

The body of the 20-year-old was recovered from the Kimberley swimming pool at approximately 14:30 on Sunday (1/12).

“It was bad because you had all those kids standing there seeing how those lifeguards did everything they possibly could and not giving up trying to revive him,” said Kimberley resident Brent Prins.

Other residents took to social media to express their concerns over taking their children to the swimming pool with its inadequate number of lifeguards to safeguard the large number of visitors.

‘How many must still drown before something is done?’

A Facebook user suggested one guard for no more than every 20 visitors. “This is the second person that died in Kimberley due to the swimming pools that stand as white elephants in Kimberley. How many must still drown before something is done?” asked Farida Lansberg.

“It’s believed that the lifeguard noticed that the deceased was unable to swim and warned him not to swim near the deep end of the swimming pool,” said Northern Cape police spokesperson, Cherelle Ehlers. “Other swimmers apparently noticed the body floating in the deep end of the pool.”

A witness mentioned the police search and rescue team arrived first, but 20 minutes after the boy was taken out of the water ER24 arrived with three ambulances. “We had to explain to my 12-year-old that the boy might not make it, and it was her first time at the Karen Muir Swimming Pool,” added Prins.

OFM News has contacted Sol Plaatje Municipality for comment.

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony cg

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