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Theunissen residents concerned over long-standing water crisis at Masilo Clinic

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:53 Mon, 19 Aug 2024

Theunissen residents concerned over long-standing water crisis at Masilo Clinic | News Article
This tap is locked because there is no water at the Masilo Clinic. Photo supplied

“You can imagine how people with serious or chronic conditions are suffering.”

Residents of Theunissen have raised serious concerns about the dire state of the Masilo Clinic, which has reportedly been without water for more than a decade.

The facility, located in the Masilonyana Municipality, is said to have endured a 12-year-long water shortage, leaving patients and staff to face appalling conditions. 

Resident Thato Sethoba (39) told OFM News the clinic’s toilets have been locked for years due to the lack of running water, despite recent renovations. The situation has forced residents, already burdened by the lack of basic amenities, to endure additional hardships when seeking medical care.

Only one nurse on duty

Sethoba also highlighted the severe staffing shortages at the clinic, which currently operates with only two permanent employees – a matron and a nurse. She claimed the remaining nurses were on short-term contracts, many of which have now expired, leaving the clinic even more understaffed.

Sethoba shared her personal experience of struggling to receive care last week, as there was only one nurse on duty who had to manage both her regular duties and the responsibilities of the absent matron.

“I had serious challenges last week. I went to the clinic on Monday and Tuesday, but I could only get assistance on Wednesday because the nurse was working alone while the matron was on leave,” Sethoba said.

“You can imagine how people with serious or chronic conditions are suffering. The situation is even more concerning because the contracts for nurses in the antenatal ward are set to end in August, and some have already threatened not to even show up to work this week due to unpaid salaries.”

Adding to the clinic’s woes, Sethoba revealed the facility has been without cleaning staff for several months. The previous cleaners retired due to old age, and their positions have not been filled.

Now the clinic is allegedly being cleaned by municipal workers contracted to clean the streets. Moreover, a water tanker dispatched to the clinic is out of commission due to a broken tap, exacerbating the dire conditions.

The tap of the tanker at the clinic is broken. Photo supplied 

The water crisis in Theunissen is not limited to the Masilo Clinic. In February, services at the municipal offices were brought to a halt by angry residents protesting after days without water supply. Both the Masilo and Lusaka clinics were also affected. Despite the presence of water tankers at the clinics, the water in the tanks was found to be unfit for consumption.

The Masilonyana Municipality has come under fire for the ongoing water issues, which many residents believe are linked to vandalism of water supply stations. Some allege this vandalism is being orchestrated by municipal officials seeking to benefit from contracts to supply water trucks during water outages.

OFM News has reached out to the Free State Department of Health for comment on the situation at Masilo but no response has been received.

OFM News/ Kekeletso Mosebetsi dg

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