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Free State Government Departments left powerless

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:16 Thu, 22 Jun 2023

Free State Government Departments left powerless | News Article
Several Free State government departments have been left without electricity.

Certain Free State government departments based in the Mangaung Metro Municipality have been left without electricity.

The spokesperson to the Metro’s power utility, Centlec, Lele Mamatu confirmed to OFM News that they have went on a joint operation with the municipality to cut electricity to non-paying customers. It seems that not only government departments have been cut-off, but also other customers that have been defaulting on their payments. He revealed that Centlec is owed close to R239 million. He did not disclose which departments have been left without power. An enquiry has been sent to the Office of the Premier for a comment.

ALSO READ: FS government to pay up R90m to Centlec 

Previous payment agreement  

In 2022, the Free State Provincial Government walked into an agreement with Centlec that R90 million would be paid monthly in an attempt to service its debt. This followed after Centlec threatened to cut power to the provincial government due to an outstanding bill amounting to more than R200 million. This was the first drive that Centlec and the Metro embarked on to recoup the money that was owed to them. At the time, close to R8 billion was owed to the metro by defaulting consumers.

ALSO READ: Buildings to be left in the dark

Another drive to disconnect defaulting customers

In May 2022, another drive was embarked on to disconnect the power supply of customers that have defaulted on paying for their services. Mamatu explained this will involve both private and public sector institutions in the Mangaung, Mohokare, and Kopanong local municipalities. Only customers with outstanding accounts owing more than 30 days, without approved arrangements in place, are being disconnected. “According to our Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy, all accounts rendered by the entity that are due must be paid on the due date, which is the seventh of every month. The cutting off of electricity will be done without prior notice should the customer fail to pay their account within a period of 14 days,” said Mamatu.

ALSO READ: Free State cultural centre in the dark due to non-payment

Buildings of Arts and Culture left in the dark

Some of the buildings under the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture were left in the dark by Centlec. First it was the National Afrikaans Literary Museum and Research Centre (NALN) in Bloemfontein. The Public Service Association’s Lynsie Pelser said NALN has not had electricity for more than a week. Pelser also stated it seems there is no rush in turning the lights back on. Both the Free State Departments of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation, and Public Works and Infrastructure have stated they are in no position to provide comment on the issue.

Then followed the Mmabana Cultural Centre based in Thaba Nchu, whose electricity was disconnected due to non-payment of their electricity bill. The centre, which was left without electricity for nearly a month, needed to pay 50% of the outstanding amount in order to enter into a payment agreement. Mamatu said the remaining balance is payable within six months.

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