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EPWP programme assists Northern Cape schools

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 12:45 Tue, 03 May 2022

EPWP programme assists Northern Cape schools | News Article
PHOTO: Facebook

The Agriculture MEC in the Northern Cape, Mase Manopole, has allocated employees of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) to assist Northern Cape schools following the introduction of backyard food gardening.

In a statement issued by the department, Manopole said that she will be allocating two EPWP members to each school to work on full-time basis on the gardens through the assistance of officials from the department. She visited the Tlhatlogang Intermediate and Mogomotsi High Schools at the Ikhutseng Township in the Magareng Local Municipality last week. Monopole handed out garden equipment, fertilisers, seedlings, dustbins and sports kit to the schools as part of the establishment of backyard food gardens in the schools within the province. Manopole said that the initiative will go a long way in assisting the schools to produce more food for the government supported school nutrition programme.

She further encouraged young people to venture into agriculture when choosing a career as it is the biggest employer in the province and continues to open more opportunities. Manopole concluded that there is a lot of money to be made through food security, even though agriculture might not look attractive because of the work that’s put in at the kraal and in the veld.

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