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Fraudulent UIF-Ters cases reported in FS, NW

───   OLEBOGENG MOTSE 05:51 Thu, 01 Jul 2021

Fraudulent UIF-Ters cases reported in FS, NW | News Article

Almost 40 of the 344 reported fraud cases related to the Covid-19 Temporary Employer-Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) come from the Free State and North West.

According to the latest information from the Department of Employment and Labour, as well as the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), 12 cases were reported in the Free State, whilst 26 came under scrutiny in North West. Of the reported cases there are 18 - from both provinces - that are yet to be finalised. No arrests have emanated from these cases in Central South Africa.

The Free State Department of Employment and Labour says the UIF green-lit over 51 000 claims for assistance, amounting to R671 million paid out to beneficiaries in the Free State during the 2020/21 financial year. This is despite immense challenges faced by the department in processing Ters requests like long queues, shortage of staff due to remote working, and other systematic issues. National UIF spokesperson Makhosonke Buthelezi, revealed this week that, currently, there was no further Covid-19 TERS extensions beyond 15 March 2021.  

Most recently Buthelezi urged the public to report employers who make fraudulent Covid-19 relief claims to their fraud hotline. He also said that in addition to whistle-blowers, the UIF has a team of forensic auditors who are following Ters payments made in 2020 to ascertain if the funds have indeed been paid to the employees it was claimed for.

Employment and Labour Minister, Thulas Nxesi, announced in a virtual sitting of parliament recently that thus far over R2 billion has been refunded to the UIF by employers, over unlawful and unethical claims.

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