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TJR - What's On The Menu

───   17:14 Thu, 17 Dec 2020

TJR - What's On The Menu | News Article

The ladies from Seisoen, Maritsa and Maradine are back with another easy to make recipe for your Christmas table. But this time, they focus on the last thing on your menu, the dessert.



Sponge cake

70 grams (1/2 cup) plain flour

35 grams (1/4 cup) cornflour or cornstarch

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

3 large eggs

50 grams (1/2 cup) caster sugar

2 tablespoons milk

1 tablespoon butter

Chocolate icing

40 grams (1/2 cup) cocoa powder

250 grams (2 cups) icing or powdered sugar

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

120 ml (1/2 cup) milk

120 grams (2 cups) shredded coconut


Preheat oven to 180 C. Grease and line  baking pan with baking paper. Lightly grease the inside of the paper with a little butter as well.
 Sift flour, cornflour and baking powder twice into a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
In a separate mixing bowl, add eggs and start to beat using an electric whisk. Once the eggs start to go thick and foamy, add sugar, one tablespoon at a time.
Continue to beat the eggs until they are thick and voluminous – this can take 5-8 minutes. You’ll know the eggs are ready, when you can draw the number 8 on top and it stays for 1-2 seconds.
Meanwhile, add milk and butter to a small microwave-safe bowl and heat for 30 seconds or until butter is melted. Leave to cool slightly.
When the eggs are ready, gently add the sifted flour mixture, pour butter mixture down the side of the bowl and gently fold until flour is JUST combined. Do not over mix or you’ll mix all the air out of the eggs.
Add mixture to prepared cake tin. Bake for 20-23 minutes or until cake gently springs back when lightly touched on top. Leave to cool completely.
To make the chocolate icing, sift cocoa powder and icing sugar. Add melted butter and milk and stir until chocolate is smooth.
 Cut sponge cake into 12 squares. Carefully and quickly dip each piece of cake into chocolate, let the extra chocolate dip off and then cover in coconut. Transfer to a cake rack to dry.
Repeat with remaining cake squares.


TJR - What's On The Menu:

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