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Conspiracy Corner - Proof that fairies do exist

───   16:01 Wed, 29 Jul 2020

Conspiracy Corner - Proof that fairies do exist | News Article

University professor reveals he discovered population of fairies and publicly shows the proof

Professor John Hyatt has recently issued quite a bizarre statement, to say the least. He reported that he had met up in the past with multiple strange creatures that were never before reported by the academia, and according to them they do not exist, to begin with, either.

Needless to say, making such statements is always just inviting trouble as most people will begin shunning you down for it and mocking you almost instantly. The only way to fight the criticism is with hard-earned evidence, which is exactly what John brought over.

He claimed that a whole civilization of fairies lives in the English Countryside of Rossendale, and he’s brought pictures to back up his claims too.

He stated that the fairies are very similar to us physically, except for the overall size of the body we’re practically identical one to another.

He’s not the only one with proof however, as back in 2009 a woman named Phyllis Bacon snapped a quick photo of what appears to be a living fairy flying around in her garden in New Addington, Southern London.

But it doesn’t end here, Frances Griffiths also reportedly fell into a stream while playing around with these fairies back in 1917. According to most reports, it is actually quite impossible to resist their temptation, and if they seek something that you can provide you can’t fight it in the slightest.


Make up your own mind;

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