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Here’s how SA’s dealing with its polony withdrawal on Twitter: #AddPolonyToAMovieTitle

───   10:03 Wed, 07 Mar 2018

Here’s how SA’s dealing with its polony withdrawal on Twitter: #AddPolonyToAMovieTitle | News Article

Forget avocado. Polony is now the most talked about food on social media in South Africa, this after the likely source of the country’s listeriosis crisis was revealed.

This caused a mild panic on social media and #listeriosis trended nationwide. Today, the outlook is a little brighter.

As a response to the nation going cold turkey in light of the cold meats revelation, the hashtag #AddPolonyToAMovieTitle began trending on Twitter. Users took movie titles and shoved a vienna or polony wherever they would fit. And there are some scrumptious, Oscar-nomination worthy examples.

memeburn/OFM News












How to eat polony these days...

Many memes are also being shared on social media platforms, who thought a polony would be funny?

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