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Archaeologists searching for more Dead Sea Scrolls

───   08:40 Sun, 02 Dec 2018

Archaeologists searching for more Dead Sea Scrolls  | News Article
PHOTO: The Isreal Museum

Archaeologists have discovered two caves near Qumran, in the West Bank, that may hold Dead Sea Scrolls.

LiveScience website reports that so far, the archaeologists excavating the caves have yet to find the remains of any biblical-era manuscripts. 

However, both caves, now called 53b and 53c, are near caves that held the already-discovered Dead Sea Scrolls, and the team is not done investigating the sites. 

The Dead Sea Scrolls consist of the remains of 900 manuscripts found in 12 caves located near Qumran. 

Many scholars believe that a group called the Essenes lived at Qumran and wrote many of the Dead Sea Scrolls before abandoning the site around A.D. 70, when a revolt against the Romans started.


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