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Nigerian nationals to reappear in court for drug dealing

───   NOMAQHAWE MTEBELE 12:05 Wed, 18 Oct 2017

Nigerian nationals to reappear in court for drug dealing | News Article

Two Nigerian nationals are expected to reappear in the Bloemfontein Magistrate’s Court on Monday following their arrest last week in connection with the possession of drugs worth more than R800 000.

Madueka Onyeka (41) and Kosisochakwu Enuma (26) were arrested at two different houses after they were found with drugs in Batho location. CAT and crystal meth were found and confiscated by police. Onyeka and Enuma first appeared in court earlier this week. 

Their next appearance will be for a formal bail application. According to police’s Ikobeng Hlubi, this comes after crime intelligence-led information was received by police about a house in Sekgupi Square and Makgatho Street which were allegedly a haven for drugs.

This comes after OFM News received information on Friday about the drug bust. Hlubi upon enquiry confirmed to OFM News that police made arrests and said more details will follow. According to information, more than 15 bags of Cat were found at the second house.

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