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‘These people lived with an animal’ – Free State premier

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 11:36 Fri, 28 Jun 2024

‘These people lived with an animal’ – Free State premier | News Article
Free State Premier, MaQueen Letsoha Mathae outside Bloemfontein Magistrates Court. Photo: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

“I don’t think this person whom we’ve just seen in this court is really a human being because what is going to be revealed about him is barbaric.”

The premier of the Free State has revealed disturbing details about the suspected murderer and boyfriend of the late Tsoseletso Secondary School teacher.

Stephen Songezo (42) made a brief appearance in the Bloemfontein Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday (26/6). His case was postponed to next Wednesday (3/7) for a formal bail application.

Free State Premier MaQueen Letsoha Mathae expressed her “utmost disgust and concern” about the rampant incidents of gender-based violence (GBV) in the province.

“As a woman, as a gender activist, as a premier of this province, and a leader of women’s structures within the movement (ANC), it was necessary for us to come here. Alongside me are the MEC,  Jabu Mbalula, the deputy mayor of Mangaung, MMCs of Mangaung, other structures, and EFF members of the provincial parliament. We are united with my constituencies,” she said.

Mathae emphasised the united support from different political structures demonstrates the province’s solidarity in addressing serious issues such as GBV, transcending political affiliations.

‘One victim was Songezo’s wife’

She expressed her disturbance after being approached by two additional victims of the same accused. One victim was Songezo’s wife, who refused to sign divorce papers and was present in court. Another was an ex-girlfriend who only managed to retrieve her belongings from Songezo’s house after his arrest.

“It’s really, really painful and shocking at the same time to have seen that we’ve got so many women who are victimised. I was with the MEC when we engaged the prosecutor and we were told that there are cases being investigated against the very same person, and serious ones that also involve GBV.

“Meaning that these people actually lived with an animal. I don’t think this person whom we’ve just seen in this court is really a human being because what is going to be revealed about him is barbaric,” Mathae stated.

The memorial service for Mopho Moalosi was held in the school hall on Thursday (27/6). She will be laid to rest this weekend.

In a separate matter, Simphiwe Macdonald Masithela (39) appeared in the Bloemfontein Magistrate’s Court shortly after Songezo. Masithela is accused of the murder of his girlfriend, Bongiwe Phumbala, a crime reported at the Kopanong Police Station on Sunday (23/6). 

His case has been postponed to 2 July for a formal bail application. Both men remain in custody.

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