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'Rebuilding of disaster houses in Jagersfontein will start soon'

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 12:03 Tue, 09 May 2023

'Rebuilding of disaster houses in Jagersfontein will start soon' | News Article

The Jagersfontein Developments Mine, whose mine dam walls collapsed in September 2022, has revealed that the rebuilding and refurbishment of destroyed houses will begin in the next three weeks.

The Stakeholder Relations Officer and Spokesperson, Billy Bilankula, told journalists in Jagersfontein on Tuesday 9 May 2023 that it will take about six months to complete.

He says 65 houses will be built and 78 will be refurbished, following the disaster that destroyed over 100 houses and left more than 200 people displaced. It also claimed two lives. An elderly woman is still missing. He says three houses have already been built by the mine.

Bilankula says the delay in the rebuilding and refurbishment of the houses was because of ongoing discussions between residents, the government, and the management of the mine. 

Some residents decided to take legal action against the mine using private lawyers, others formed a committee to take care of their issues. 

These houses will be built in the same area where the sludge destroyed infrastructure and houses. A report indicated that it was now safe to rebuild in that area. There was a concern raised by the Department of Water and Sanitation that a second dam could collapse but after an analysis, it was found that it was safe to rebuild there.

In September 2022, the Trompsburg-based Kopanong Local Municipality said that neglect played a big part in the disaster at Jagersfontein, where a wall of the mine's tailings dam collapsed.

ALSO READ - #JagersfonteinDisaster: Alleged negligence led to the collapse of dam - WATCH

The mine has since availed R20 million to help and assist affected residents.

ALSO READ: Millions made available to #JagersfonteinDisaster victims

The Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, David Mahlobo, last year opened a criminal case against the Jagersfontein Developments Project Mine, following the damages caused by the disaster in September.

ALSO READ: Trouble mounts for Jagersfontein mine

Communications Manager for the Department of Water and Sanitation in the Free State, Larry Crisp, explained to OFM News that Mahlobo, together with other officials from the department, took a decision to implement administrative enforcement measures and issued a directive, dated 12 September 2022, in terms of Section 20 of the National Water Act (NWA), 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998).

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