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More explosive revelations expected about North West's properties

───   LUCKY NKUYANE 10:17 Fri, 15 Jul 2022

More explosive revelations expected about North West's properties | News Article

The North West Provincial Legislature Committee is expected to make more explosive revelations about the cross-border properties worth millions on Friday during a media briefing.

The chairperson of the Portfolio Committee for Cooperative Governance (Cogta), Aaron Motswana, alleges that the government could have lost a massive R4,9 billion - calculated for the period between 2005 and 2009 - due to the non-collection of revenue from at least 98 000 properties across three provinces.

ALSO READ: North West 'loses billions in revenue collection'

Motswana alleges the committee might have uncovered massive property corruption and collusion across provincial borders, with properties owned by the province’s housing entity in the Free State, Northern Cape and Gauteng, including in countries such as Israel, the United States of America (USA), and Vietnam, amongst others.

The committee has just concluded its oversight visits to three provinces. Motswana adds that the objective of the oversight visits was to investigate and validate the state and functionality of the provincial government’s properties. These properties include land, rental houses, and buildings used as restaurants in Gauteng and Tshwane, and the Northern Cape.

Motswana has further threatened to rope in the Hawks to probe the alleged massive corruption and collusion involving its properties in other provinces, allegedly worth billions of rands.

ALSO READ: Hawks to be roped in over alleged property fraud in North West

The North West premier Bushy Maape and MEC Lina Miga were also a subject of criticism from Motswana who lashed at them for their alleged lack of action taken after allegations of collusion and corruption involving properties in other provinces, or so-called cross-border properties. Motswana, further said the committee denounces the alleged inaction of Maape and Miga for not preserving the assets and wealth of the former Bophuthatswana government.

It’s alleged that a property in the country of Israel was built to the tune of $2.7 million and it was used to house Mangope’s governors during his regime.

“The assets were handed over in 1994, which include the properties within the country and former international Bophuthatswana entities.

“If the entity is experiencing challenges with certain government entities such as the City of Tshwane, the intergovernmental relations processes should take place, such as involving the Department of Human Settlements and the Office of the Premier, so that they can engage with their counterparts in Gauteng and other provinces to resolve these long-outstanding issues,” Motswana further added.

“The City of Tshwane is refusing to sign a memorandum of agreement with us and continues to sell some of our properties and vacant land. In Mabopane, for example, the City of Tshwane built a wastewater treatment plant on our vacant land with a market value of R36,7 million,” said the CEO of the North West Housing Corporation, Mr Sello Mogodiri.

The spokesperson of the North West Department of Human Settlements, Tsholofelo Mathibedi, told OFM News that the department cannot quantify the figures given by the committee chairperson at this stage. He says different processes have to take place to verify and quantify the figures contained in the allegations.

However, the Premier’s Office has yet to comment on OFM News’ inquiry.

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