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Illegal dumping sites a headache for Northview residents

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 12:21 Thu, 07 Nov 2024

Illegal dumping sites a headache for Northview residents | News Article
Dirt thrown into an open field across from homes. Picture supplied

Residents of Northview and Homestead in Kimberley is concerned that mounting rubbish near their homes is adversely affecting the dignity of their neighbourhood.

For months the residents have been battling with rubbish being thrown next to their houses, causing a stench in the area. “On several occasions, I have witnessed trucks and bakkies driving down Riverton Road to go and dump waste in the veld,” said Northview resident Tshidi Mayeng.

Residents have also complained that refuse collectors avoid removing the litter from open fields, causing the refuse piles to keep growing.

Rubbish on the side of the Northview church. Picture supplied

Residents have seen scavengers picking up their refuse bags from their homes on removal days and walk along the street emptying it.

“A few days ago, I stopped to ask those cleaning the pavements. I was told it was the duty of those cleaning on the opposite side that cleans Colville, who should clean it,” said Leonora Starr on social media.

Dirt across from homes, leading to the sewage facility. Picture supplied

Municipal spokesperson Thabo Mothibi said municipal dumping sites have been established for residents who want to get rid of rubble, while Sol Plaatje has a cleaning unit to assist residents, should illegal dumping sites cause issues.

But the community is also to blame for the dumping sites, as some residents ask their garden workers to dump garden refuse in open fields.

“A solution could be to look out for the dirt trucks and take it out when the truck arrives, said Cllr George Joseph. We even have to guard our dirt bags every Thursday to stop bag scratchers in the streets from removing it or scratching in it.”

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony cg

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