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Welkom CBD a ghost town amid taxi strike

───   16:36 Wed, 09 Mar 2022

Welkom CBD a ghost town amid taxi strike | News Article
Photo: Facebook

Following Wednesday’s taxi shutdown in Matjhabeng, Welkom resembled a ghost town - with a number of businesses that either did not open or closed earlier.

According to reports received, a 31-year-old long-distance taxi driver from the Eastern Cape was attacked by two other taxi drivers.

Police say they have no registration numbers for the suspects' vehicles.

This happened in the early hours of the morning, after the victim off-loaded a passenger from Eastern Cape before embarking to Rustenburg in North West.

Also Read: Talks of Matjhabeng taxi strike

It is alleged the driver was robbed of his cellular phone and close to R10 000 cash.

He was also stabbed in the hand with a sharp object. The victim alleges that his assailants wanted to stab him in the head, but he managed to block the attack with his hand. 

Minibuses allegedly tried to block Bok Street in the Welkom Central Business District (CBD), but law enforcement - including the Public Order Police (POP), Welkom Visible Policing, Traffic Police, members of the Matjhabeng and Provincial Traffic Departments - were quick to respond.

They successfully dispersed the crowd.

Police spokesperson Stephen Thakeng says there is a large contingent of law enforcement personnel deployed around Matjhabeng to ensure that law and order are maintained.

They are monitoring the situation.

OFM News/Isaac Mosia

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