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Correctional Services officials donate thousands to BFN children's hospice

───   06:07 Fri, 13 Jun 2014

Correctional Services officials donate thousands to BFN children's hospice | News Article
Duane Petrus
Bloemfontein - Correctional Services officials, who are temporarily employed in Bloemfontein, reached into their own pockets to make a donation to a struggling children's hospice in Bloemfontein last night.
Two-hundred and forty-six employees gathered to donate R16 000 to the Sunflower House, which cares for children suffering from life threatening conditions.
The officials, from across the country, said they felt they had to do something worthy for the city while being employed here.
The hospice, which is situated at National Hospital, is home to 30 children and cares for a further 350 in different communities.
Sunflower's manager, Melinda Muller, says the food, blankets and money will make a huge difference this winter.
Correctional services department regional commissioner, Subrashini Moodley, says this act of generosity shows that their work goes beyond prison walls.


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