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FS Cosatu 'worried' about #Coronavirus quarantine reports at Thaba Nchu

───   10:43 Wed, 04 Mar 2020

FS Cosatu 'worried' about #Coronavirus quarantine reports at Thaba Nchu | News Article

Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) in the Free State wants to know exactly where South Africans from Wuhan in China will be quarantined, and if indeed it is in the Free State.

This comes after reports that government plans to quarantine more than 150 South Africans in Thaba Nchu, about 63km from Bloemfontein, once they have landed back from the coronavirus epicentre.

Government has been able to confirm that 201 South Africans are living in Wuhan. 

A total of 151 have so far indicated they want to come home, although the number may increase.

Sixteen people have indicated that they do not wish to come back and 34 are being tracked down by the Department of International Relations (Dirco).

Cosatu Secretary in the Free State, Monyatso Mahlatsi, says the union received information that Thaba Nchu has been chosen as the area for quarantine.

"After receiving the information neither the provincial government nor the institution could confirm that it is actually true.

"They referred us to the military and we walked into a brick wall, and we couldn't confirm that it is true," says Mahlatsi.

Thaba Nchu coronavirus

Image courtesy: Google Maps

He adds the military failed to confirm reports that the Black Mountain Leisure and Conference Hotel will be used by to quarantine the South Africans for 21 days.

Mahlatsi says the provincial structures of the union are worried that coronavirus might spread among the general public in the province.

He adds the province decided to repatriate the South Africans into the area without proper consolation with provincial leadership structures.

Jacaranda FM

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