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(Did You Know Fact!) Vechur Cattle

───   03:33 Thu, 30 Nov 2017

(Did You Know Fact!) Vechur Cattle | News Article

Cow With A Little Less Meat

The shortest cow is Manikyam, owned by Ashkay N.V. (India), in Kerala. She measured 61.1 cm (24.07 in) from the hoof to the withers. Usually, local cows are about 150 cm (4 ft 11 in) in height. Manikyam is a Vechur breed, well known for producing dwarf cows. Vechurs tend to grow to a maximum height of around 90 cm (2 ft 11 in).

It seems that Vechur cattle have what is known in the scientific community as “thermometer genes”, which allow them to survive in hot, humid conditions. And they are highly resistant to infection too – they can even withstand foot-and-mouth disease.

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