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South Africa

SANDF deployed at numerous power stations

───   06:26 Fri, 23 Dec 2022

SANDF deployed at numerous power stations | News Article
PHOTO: South African National Defence Force

At least 200 personnel of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) have been deployed to guard vulnerable power stations.

This follows many incidents of theft and sabotage.

They're not only providing boots on the ground but technical expertise as well, with a number of army electrical engineers on site.

SANDF spokesperson Brigadier Andries Mahapa, says soldiers are stationed at at least four power stations, namely Majuba, Camden, Tutuka and Grootvlei.

The SANDF would maintain a presence until threats of sabotage subsided at the power utility.

He said that many started arriving on Monday night and would be working with the police under the ‘Operation Prosper’ campaign.

ALSO READ: Eskom's deployment of SANDF 'premature'

"The term of deployment is currently not yet known, we'll see as the time unfolds in terms of the criminality and once the determination has been made by Eskom and all the security sectors, we will start with the demobilisation."

The parliamentary portfolio committee on mineral resources and energy has welcomed the deployment of troops at Eskom facilities.

Chairperson Sahlulele Luzipo said that this affirmed their view that the country’s energy crisis was caused by Eskom’s inability to maintain its aging infrastructure and internal sabotage as opposed to policy failure.


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