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South Africa

Marking app helping teachers tick boxes

───   10:17 Sat, 18 Jul 2020

Marking app helping teachers tick boxes | News Article

It’s, without doubt, a tough time for teaching in South Africa.

While teachers navigate through this COVID-19 storm, two friends are building a new way for their peers to shape young minds.

Pretoria teacher, unionist and education activist Kabelo Mahlobogwane and his colleague Bonang Motsapi are busy building their very own online application to help teachers mark their work.

The Marking App has the financial backing of the Trevor Noah Foundation.

“With the marking app, teachers will be able to scan all the assessments that learners have done," said Kabelo.

"The app will turn the handwriting into a PDF, it’ll be able to read the content. Based on a memorandum imported by a teacher, it automatically marks and gives immediate feedback.

"Learners will also have a portal where they’ll have access to their results.”

The app’s design is done and is being coded.


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