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DA wants Schabir Shaik’s medical parole to be reviewed

───   15:31 Tue, 01 Aug 2017

DA wants Schabir Shaik’s medical parole to be reviewed | News Article
Schabir Shaik Photo: Gallo Images

The Democratic Alliance has written to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services, Michael Masutha, demanding that the matter of Schabir Shaik’s dubious medical parole be reviewed in court.

The DA’s James Selfe says the party is appalled at the response it received from parliament, that eight years after his parole was granted, Shaik is still considered to be terminally ill. This comes after Shaik attacked Julius Malema for accusing Indian business owners of taking advantage of their black employees during his speech at the EFF’s 4th birthday celebration.

“The parole conditions he has been released under make provision for one day of sport and for travel within the republic. That cannot be right,” says Selfe.

Selfe states that the matter should be taken to court to ascertain whether Shaik will be returned to prison or should instead be reclassified as an ordinary parolee because he no longer fulfils the medical parole conditions he was released under.

OFM News/Olebogeng Motse

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