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Taxi drivers block Durban roads

───   09:01 Wed, 31 May 2017

Taxi drivers block Durban roads | News Article
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Durban - Minibus taxi operators in Durban and surrounding areas have started blocking busy Durban roads ahead of their protest to Toyota in Prospection, Isipingo later on Wednesday.

Streets in the Durban CBD, Umlazi, Isipingo, and the N2 have been blockaded with Toyota Quantum minibuses.

Motorist Nkokhelo Mkhize told News24 that he tried to get to work in Effingham from Umlazi - using the Mega City and Isipingo exits - but they are also blocked.

According to reports and a letter doing the rounds on social media, the South African Taxi Association decided to embark on the protest because of the escalating cost of the Toyota Quantum since it was introduced in the country 10 years ago.

When it was introduced, it was at a fully imported price of R220 000 - it is now, however, locally produced at R450 000 before interest, which the industry feels is far too expensive.

Another letter from the Umbumbulu Taxi Association states that the protest would last until 15:00.

The letter confirms that minibus taxi operators are protesting over high interest rates, and warns that even pupils would not be able to go to school.


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