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Undercover cop spied on Panayiotou in prison, court hears

───   12:32 Tue, 25 Apr 2017

Undercover cop spied on Panayiotou in prison, court hears | News Article
Murder accused Christopher Panayiotou

Port Elizabeth - Details of a failed undercover operation of spying on murder accused Christopher Panayiotou and his mistress Chanelle Coutts came to light in the Eastern Cape High Court on Monday during cross-examination of a crime detective.

Panayiotou and his co-accused - Sinethemba Nenembe and Zolani Sibeko - are facing charges of allegedly conspiring, kidnapping, robbing and killing his wife Jayde, who was abducted outside her townhouse complex in Kabega Park and later murdered in a field near KwaNobuhle on April 21, 2015.

A fourth suspect, Sizwezakhe Vumazonke, the alleged hitman, died before the trial began.

Moegamat Armien Humphries, a detective in the organised crime division, was called by State advocate Marius Stander to testify in the trial within a trial to determine the admissibility of a recording of Panayiotou and his bouncer, Luthando Siyoni, the alleged middleman-turned-State-witness shortly after Jayde's murder.

Humphries testified to how he had transported Siyoni's girlfriend, Babalwa Breakfast, to visit Siyoni while he was being held in protective custody at the Humewood Police Station.

Hidden camera

He also told the court how he had been part of a delegation that had visited Siyoni in September 2016, when Siyoni had gone on a hunger strike and refused to eat the food the police were serving.

During cross-examination, however, defence advocate Terry Price questioned Humphries about a previous affidavit he had made, relating to an incident where he had been sent undercover to the North End Prison to spy on Panayiotou and Coutts.

Humphries confirmed that he had gone to the prison on February 13, 2016, under instruction from investigating officer Kanna Swanepoel.

He confirmed that he had been wearing a prisoner's outfit and had been given a broom to sweep the floor in the visiting room of the prison.

Humphries said he had also been equipped with a hidden camera and had been given instructions to try and sweep the floor near the couple and get footage of them interacting.

He told the court he had not been successful, however, as he could not get close enough to eavesdrop and the camera had failed to capture any usable footage as it was pointing up too high.

After Humphries' testimony, the court adjourned.

It is set to reconvene on Wednesday, when Price is expected to begin his cross-examination of Swanepoel.


Link: http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/undercover-cop-spied-on-panayiotou-in-prison-court-hears-20170424

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