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Former PAC leader Philip Kgosana dies

───   11:13 Thu, 20 Apr 2017

Former PAC leader Philip Kgosana dies | News Article

Johannesburg - Former Pan Africanist Congress leader Philip Kgosana has died at the age of 80 on Thursday.

Kgosana led a 30 000-strong march against pass laws from Langa to Cape Town in 1960.

The EFF sent its condolences and said Kgosana's actions serve as a reminder of the impact young people can make.

"With this, we are reminded that there is no such a thing as being too young to carry the baton of the quest of the revolution. In fact, it is the duty of the youth to guard the downtrodden from the fallacies of an oppressive government," EFF spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi said.

Ndlozi said the EFF honours and celebrates the life of Kgosana and further reiterates his sentiments that under an African government "there should be no child who sleeps on an empty stomach or studies under a tree".

"The compassion shared and shown by Kgosana towards the emancipation of black people in South Africa will live on beyond the grave," he said.

Kgosana graduated from Lady Selborne High School in Pretoria in 1958. He was awarded a bursary to study commerce at the University of Cape Town.

He left his studies in January 1960 when he became regional secretary of the PAC for the Western Cape.


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