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Another 'racist' Facebook rant over crowded Durban beach

───   06:22 Mon, 19 Dec 2016

Another 'racist' Facebook rant over crowded Durban beach  | News Article

Durban - The ANC Youth League in Ethekwini is expected to open a case of crimen injuria against a Johannesburg man who made seemingly racist comments on Facebook about Durban beachgoers.

Ben Sasonof, of Sandton, had posted comments on a picture of a packed Durban beachfront at the weekend.

He wrote, "Eh eh Wena… must have smelt like the inside of Zuma's asshole," an apparent reference to President Jacob Zuma.

His comments raised the ire of other Facebook users, who accused Sasonof of being a racist.

In response to them condemning his comments, he wrote, "So fuck you and your bf. Go suck on Zuma's dirty, tyrant asshole if you love it so much."

Sasonof also lashed out at one of his detractors directly, calling him a monkey.

"Mohammed Jameel Abdulla you're a fuckin little idiot! Every person you tagged there is a friend of mine from school! I dated a black girl you fuckin idiot fuck! Stupid Monkey bastard you!"

Speaking to News24, eThekwini Youth League Secretary, Thinta Cibane, said that the comments were unfortunate on a weekend dedicated to reconciliation.

"From the side of the youth league I think the comments are unfortunate and it can't be this far into our democracy that we have a young South African with such a mentality," he said.

"It is shame that he has referred to young people in the manner in which he has, but also denigrated a man who is seen as an elder [Zuma]."

He said the leadership of the youth league in the region would caucus on the matter and determine whether or not to lay criminal charges.

"This is the type of thing we as the youth league in Ethekwini will lay charges over. This will potentially take place this week. We would have hoped that people would learn from the likes of Penny Sparrow," he said.

Sparrow, a realtor from the KZN south coast, made disparaging remarks about black beachgoers and likened them to monkeys.

She was found guilty on charges of crimen injuria and also had an adverse finding in the Equality Court.

News24 contacted Sasonof on Sunday, who said that his comments were in "no way" racially slanted.

"I am not confirming anything and I am not giving you any story. This is all nonsense," he said.

"There was not any comment made that was racially incurring (sic). Once I was personally attacked and provoked.. is when I started to lose it a little bit and become aggressive… and swear at people. At no point was I racist," he said.

"Please don't call me again," he said, before abruptly ending the phone call.

- News24.com

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