Local News
FF Plus questions Dihlabeng municipal officials's overseas trip─── OLEBOGENG MOTSE 16:41 Wed, 25 Jul 2018
A cancelled overseas trip costing more than R400 000 for the mayor and four Dihlabeng municipal officials has sparked concern from opposition parties.
Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) member of the Free State Provincial Legislature (MPL), Tammy Wessels, says she is concerned the payments for travel allowance, accommodation and flights to Portugal and Switzerland for the five delegates were made without the necessary approval of council.
In a letter to the MEC of Finance, Elzabe Rockman, and MEC of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta), Oupa Khoabane, Wessels says the payment goes against the regulations set by the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and reflects badly on the audit outcomes of the Dihlabeng Local Municipality.
The controversial trip included a ceremony honouring Nelson Mandela in Portugal and is allegedly aimed at pursuing investment and economic growth opportunities.
Wessels reiterated that the recent outcomes of Free State municipalities by the Auditor General (AG) shows irregular expenditure in the province still requires urgent attention.
She says it is clear that the Dihlabeng leadership is disregarding not only the AG’s findings but the MFMA as well.
Wessels further criticised Mayor Lindiwe Makhalemele and Speaker David Lengoabala for trying to get approval for the expense on the eve of their departure to Switzerland and Portugal.
The delegation’s travel plans were thwarted during a special council meeting this week where the expense was supposed to be appropriated.
The ANC-caucus could not present a sufficient number of councillors at this meeting and Councillors of opposition parties opted to walk-out, resulting in the quorum not being met and the meeting being deemed illegal.
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