What's on the menu - Sprietuie en kaasbrood─── 17:35 Thu, 02 Mar 2023
Jy lees reg! Vandag het Sjef Maradine 'n sprietui- en kaasbroodresep wat goed pas by 'n heerlike somersop.
400g gewone meel, plus ekstra om af te stof
1 teelepel koeksoda
1 tl fyn seesout
1 bossie sprietuie, gekap
125 g kaas, verkruimeld of grof gerasper (ons het Lancashire gebruik)
300ml karringmelk (in plaas van karringmelk kan jy 200g natuurlike jogurt gemeng met 100ml melk gebruik)
1 eetlepel melk, om te glans
Preheat the oven180°C and dust a baking tray with flour.
Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a mixing bowl, and add a couple of grindings of black pepper. Stir in most of the spring onions and cheese, keeping a little back for the top of the loaf.
Make a well in the centre and add enough buttermilk to bring together into a clean ball. Add a little extra milk if needed.
LEES OOK: What's on the menu – geurige roosmarynkoekies
Shape into an 18cm round and put on the prepared tray. Mark the loaf into quarters, cutting almost all the way through. Brush with a little milk, then scatter the remaining spring onions and cheese on top. Bake for 35-40 minutes until the loaf is crisp and sounds hollow. Cool for at least 30 minutes on a wire rack before eating.