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Trouble arises in small Free State town 

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 08:27 Tue, 31 Jan 2023

Trouble arises in small Free State town  | News Article
The streets of Petrusburg were barricaded with rocks and glass during a service delivery protest. PHOTO: Kekeletso Mosebetsi

What residents of Petrusburg described as "poor quality" service delivery resulted in the streets of the small town in Free State being barricaded with rocks and glasses as an attempt to get the Letsemeng Local Municipality to hear their grievances. 

One of the residents, Papi Seekoei, expressed how they have had to go months without water and that no communication has been offered to them about when they will start receiving water.

"All the municipality has done is offer water tankers, which are also problematic because we will have to travel far just to get the water," he adds.

Another issue with service delivery that they have encountered is power outages; while they understand that load-shedding affects the entire country, they have had to go without electricity for several days. He made reference to a recent Sunday, 29 January 2023, where they spent the entire day without power.

'No electricity, no oxygen'

"Now imagine how terrible your Sunday afternoon would be, without electricity and water." Seekoei made mention that an elderly lady who is dependent on oxygen struggles a lot when there is no electricity. She has to be taken to the hospital and then it is a struggle to get the ambulance to come pick her up.

As the OFM News’ team visited the area, she was in the hospital because there was no electricity on Monday. 

ALSO READ: Petrusburg brought to a standstill - PHOTOS, VIDEO

Another resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that the water tankers are never cleaned; he and other residents have witnessed the municipality refilling water in the tankers while there was green stuff inside a couple of times.

"Now they expect us to consume that water, and they call it clean, it is unfair and uncalled for," he said. The location of where the water tankers are placed seems to be a big issue, because a few people complained about how they have to travel long distances to get water.

Some have even alleged that the water tankers are placed at the homes of those who are favoured by officials from the municipality. Another issue seems to be the toilets that are situated outside the houses of residents. A resident said her toilet once fell apart while she was inside, and till today the issue has not been resolved, so she has to use her neighbor’s toilet frequently.

She alleged that in previous years there was a newborn baby found in one of the resident’s outside toilet and till today they don’t know what happened to the issue. "When will they realise that these toilets are not safe? They must be removed. But what happens all the time is that mayors and municipal managers are removed, but nothing happens."

An enquiry was sent to Letsemeng’s Municipal Manager to obtain comment. 

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