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Infrastructure leads to closure of Northern Cape school

───   KEKELETSO MOSEBETSI 09:02 Thu, 21 Jul 2022

Infrastructure leads to closure of Northern Cape school | News Article
PHOTO: Facebook

The High School Hantam in the Northern Cape has been closed down as a result of infrastructure-related challenges.

The MEC for Education in the Northern Cape, Zolile Monakali, expressed concerns over the closure of the school. 

He said the current state of the building has disturbed teaching and learning at the school. He highlighted that the department’s main priority is for learning and teaching to continue in a conducive environment. Monakali also said that the department will not risk the safety of learners, educators, and support staff of the High School Hantam. He adds that the department has taken steps to solicit the best expertise on this matter.

“We simply cannot afford learners to remain at home, whilst they should be in school. Collectively, we must take hands to ensure that we find an immediate solution to address the infrastructure challenges at the school,” he adds.

Monakali said that he met with concerned parents of the High School Hantam after the closure of the school. He further adds that the department also appointed engineers to assess and inspect the floors of affected classrooms. According to Monakali, the department convened an urgent meeting with engineers based on complaints that the building is unstable.

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