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Staff shortage a thorn in #Pelonomi's side

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 06:26 Tue, 12 Jul 2022

Staff shortage a thorn in #Pelonomi's side | News Article

Various challenges have been highlighted at the Free State's foremost trauma hospital, Pelonomi Hospital.

The Free State provincial Manager of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), Thabang Kheswa, told OFM News that they kicked off their oversight visit in the province at the Pelonomi Hospital in Bloemfontein and they came across a number of challenges.

One of the biggest challenges is to find a solution for the shortage of nursing staff at the hospital. Kheswa says the second challenge is that of infrastructure of the hospital. These two challenges have been a thorn in the department’s side for quite some time.

ALSO READ: Mental health patients 'not safe at Free State hospital'

OFM News previously reported on allegations that had been made by employees of the hospital that mental health patients who they care for are not safe. 

This follows after they alleged that they are not qualified nor trained to care for mentally ill patients. They also alluded there have been incidents that have led to fatalities at the main side of the hospital.

ALSO READ: Solutions for troubled #Pelonomi

The provincial department of Health announced – earlier this year - that they have plans in place for the Pelonomi Hospital. The plans were announced after patients to the hospital complained about the long waiting period before getting assisted. 

The reason for the wait was explained to be due to the staff at the hospital being overwhelmed by the huge demand for orthopedic services due to high volumes of cases of trauma, violence, and injury, which require more theatre space, time, and resources. 

At the time, the department had begun the process of interviewing anesthetists and orthopedic specialists who will come and bolster the hospital’s capacity at different levels of care. It remains a mystery whether the specialists were appointed.

ALSO READ: No end in sight for medical staff shortage

The challenge of shortage of nursing staff seems to be a national one. DA member of the Portfolio Committee on Health, Michéle Clarke, previously told OFM News that the shortage of medical staff in the country remains a concern, as there are 21 000 posts that still need to be filled by provincial departments of health countrywide. 

At the time, the National Department of Health had not communicated to when they will be in a position to fill these posts. She also stated that in the country, there are less than three doctors to care for one thousand patients within the public health sector.  

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