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Bhisho Massacre commemorated

───   17:24 Mon, 07 Sep 2015

Bhisho Massacre commemorated | News Article

Bhisho - Deputy President, Cyril Ramaphosa, lead the 23rd anniversary commemoration of the Bhisho Massacre at the Bhisho Stadium today.

Eastern Cape premier, Phumulo Masualle joined the families of the 28 people who died on this day in 1992.

They were killed when soldiers from the erstwhile Ciskei government opened fire on ANC members who were marching to call for an end to the bantustan system. More than 200 people were wounded and one soldier also died in one of the darkest days in South African history.

Ramaphosa said he feels honoured.

Algoa FM



Cyril Ramaphosa:

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