September declared as Public Service month─── 12:30 Sun, 09 Sep 2012
Government says it will intensify its monitoring of the functioning of local administration. SABC reports that Deputy minister of Public Service and Administration, Ayanda Dlodlo, has declared September Public Service Month as part of government's efforts to improve the delivery of basic services. Service delivery protests have been escalating. Dlodlo says citizens need more platforms on which to express their concerns. He said a co-ordinated campaign will ensure improved services. He further stressed the need for communication, saying they will be doing unannounced visits throughout the country to get first hand information on what's happening in various institutions. Earlier this month the Speaker of National Assembly, Max Sisulu, blamed maladministration in municipalities for most service delivery protests. He said there is a need for some kind of intervention from National government, but also from members of parliament. - SABC