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Weird Wide Web - An elephant really never forgets!

───   15:34 Tue, 14 Jun 2022

Weird Wide Web - An elephant really never forgets! | News Article

We've all heard the saying, "An elephant never forgets", but has this theory ever been confirmed? Well, it looks like the specific elephant in this story is proof that this might be true.

In an article we found on ladbible, a woman in India was attacked twice by an enraged elephant, once while she was alive and the second time at her funeral.  According to The Times of India, 68-year-old Maya Murmu was fetching water when she was attacked by a furious elephant in India's Mayurbhanj district in Odisha last week. 

The angered pachyderm was part of a larger herd that had strayed from the nearby Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary.  When Murmu attempted to flee, one of the elephants charged and trampled her.  She was taken to a hospital where she died from her injuries.  In the evening, when Murmu's body had been returned to her family, her loved ones began preparing for her funeral. Unfortunately for them, the furious elephant wasn't done.

The angry animal stormed the funeral, took the corpse from the pyre, trampled her dead body, threw it, and fled. "Her family kept the body outside the house for the funeral, which is when the animal again came and attacked her," Inspector Lopamudra Nayak of Rasgovindpur police station told The National.

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It is believed that approximately 100 people in India are killed each year by elephants, although the number could be as high as 300, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

The National reports that the Indian state of Odisha has suffered the most deaths, with nearly 600 people killed by elephants between 2014 and 2021. Read more on this article by clicking here.

Depending on your knowledge of elephants, the story might not make a lot of sense. However, the more we learn about elephants, the more we realise that it could be that apart from being intelligent, elephants really never forget. Maybe the video below will provide some helpful background...


Weird Wide Web - An elephant really never forgets!:

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