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South Africa

#Coronavirus: SA makes final moves as it prepares for schools' reopening

───   07:19 Thu, 28 May 2020

#Coronavirus: SA makes final moves as it prepares for schools' reopening | News Article
Photo: ANA

The Department of Basic Education has been putting the final touches to its plans as its prepares for the reopening of South African schools while making sure that schools are coronavirus-free.

According to Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga, May 25–29 will be used as a countdown period to the reopening of schools. 

“This week would be dedicated to mopping up and finalising all outstanding matters before learners return to school,” said the minister. 

The Council of Education Ministers (CEM) met on Monday morning to evaluate the progress on the reopening of schools. The council noted that some schools had not yet received their safety material, while progress was being made in the cleaning of schools and delivery of personal protective equipment (PPE). 

While provinces were requested to send a report on the work being done, it was later agreed that by Thursday morning the final report would indicate the progress made and identify challenges that needed attention.

The National Education Collaboration Trust has been tasked with monitoring and seeing that all schools have met the preconditions to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic. 

The issue of vandalism on school properties during the lockdown period has been hovering over the country, and Motshkega has urged the community to work with law enforcement to bring the perpetrators to justice. 

“We appeal to members of the community not to take the law into their own hands. Communities must protect schools against vandalism but must ensure at all times that violence does not occur. We request that the community should rather work with the police to bring suspected perpetrators to justice,” added Motshekga. 

KwaZulu-Natal MEC of Education Kwazi Mshengu is set to address the nation tonight, giving an update on the state's readiness for the reopening of schools. Guidelines for schools on maintaining hygiene during the Covid-19 pandemic have already been set out for teachers and learners alike. 

African News Agency

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