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Signs you may be in a toxic relationship

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 10:34 Wed, 20 Nov 2024

Signs you may be in a toxic relationship | News Article
Picture: Parade.com

In healthy relationships, everything just works. Sure, arguments and disagreements arise from time to time, but mostly decisions can easily be made together and partners openly discuss issues as they arise.

Unhealthy relationships, on the other hand, leave you emotionally drained, because of constant quarrelling with your partner as well as feeling unhappy after spending time with them, according to Healthline.

To get out of a toxic cycle you’d need to do introspection and explore possible signs that your relationship needs to change.

Look out for these signs that your relationship may be toxic

  • negativity;
  • being critical and judgmental;
  • a lack of empathy;
  • a sense of entitlement;
  • manipulation;
  • using guilt as “emotional blackmail” to get what they want;
  • assuming the victim role;
  • being passive-aggressive;
  • hostility; and
  • being untrustworthy.

Picture: Canva

When looking within the relationship there are multiple red flags to be aware of before getting serious with your partner or even to notice within friendships.

  • Lack of support: You will notice this when you are going to do something important to you and your friend/partner brushes it off and seems uninterested in the topic, also when asking them to join you yet they say they will and never do.
  • Toxic communication: Instead of being kind and caring while talking, conversations are filled with sarcasm and snide comments, such as mocking what is said, you often find yourself avoiding phone calls from these people to take a break from the arguments and hostility.
  • Walking on eggshells. You worry that bringing up certain news will cause tension or an uneasy situation between the two of you, and afraid of receiving bad backlash such as aggression which results in keeping information to yourself.

Change is possible’

If you feel you are in a toxic relationship and would like to change it is possible through these steps

  • Accept responsibility.
  • Openness to help from outside.
  • Willing to invest in the relationship.
  • Switch from blaming to understanding.
  • Don’t dwell on the past.

Picture: Canva

The most severe cases of toxic relationships have the possibility of leading to a dangerous situation, especially if one person has anger management issues.

Recognising the red flags or toxic traits earlier on can save relationships.

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