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Phobias you might have and what they mean

───   CASEY-LEE ANTHONY 11:37 Wed, 02 Oct 2024

Phobias you might have and what they mean | News Article
Picture: CANVA

“The fear of public speaking is estimated to impact as much as 70% of the population, making it one of the most common phobias.”

There are hundreds of different types of phobias, and they all stem from how our brains learn and process our experiences rationally and emotionally. 

According to Medical News Today, phobias can be categorized into three broader categories, namely specific phobias, social phobias, and agoraphobia.

“A phobia is an irrational fear of people, things, or situations, often causing extreme anxiety or fear in the presence of or in anticipation of being exposed to them. Unlike having a reasonable level of fear that is relatively easy to face or overcome, people with phobias are usually deeply distressed even at the thought of their fears and strive to avoid them as much as possible,” said Science of People writer, Rosey LaVine.

‘Phobias are usually connected to a specific object or situation’

Specific phobias are usually connected to a specific object or situation, and can be categorized under the following;

  • Animal Type: This includes having a fear connected to a specific animal
  • Natural environment type: This can be the fear of heights, various weather conditions and even water
  • Blood, injection, and injury type: This is connected to being afraid of needles, invasive medical procedures, and blood.
  • Situational type: Mainly encompasses the space you are in, such as confined spaces or flying.

Public Toilet. Picture: CANVA

Social Phobias are connected to being afraid of being in an extreme social situation that could cause humiliation or even embarrassment.

These usually include not wanting to go to places that are usually overcrowded such as malls or shopping centres and includes public speaking.

“The fear of public speaking is estimated to impact as much as 70% of the population, making it one of the most common phobias. Unfortunately, phobias like this can often be debilitating and keep people from enjoying or experiencing life to the fullest,” added LaVine

‘In severe cases, people with agoraphobia become housebound’

Agoraphobia is the fear of being in public spaces or crowded areas without an easy escape. In severe cases, people with agoraphobia become housebound because they are afraid to leave their safe space.

This phobia is more commonly known to leave a lasting impact on your life, due to it being harder to avoid than the others.

Honey Comb. Picture: CANVA

Live Science website lists the 10 most unusual phobias that exist:

  • Trypophobia, the fear of a repetition of holes, this can be seen in a honey comb or even bubble wrap;
  • Globophobia, a fear of balloons, however it may just be related to hearing the balloon pop causing the fear;
  • Vestiphobia, the fear of specific clothing, either the material of it, or how it fits the person, causing extreme fear;
  • Bananaphobia, yes, the fear of bananas;
  • Arachibutyrophobia, the fear of having peanut butter or food with a similar texture getting stuck to the roof of your mouth;
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, is ironically the fear of long words, which usually comes from past trauma of spelling and stuggling to learn difficult words;
  • Omphalophobia, the fear of a belly button, people with this fear usually avoid looking at or even touching a belly button;
  • Phobophobia, the fear of having a phobia, this one can cause the most anxiety as it is not specific;
  • Chaetophobia, the fear of hair, people with this fear usually avoid washing their hair themselves and don’t enjoy being around when their pet is getting a bath;
  • Toilet phobias, this fear is quite alarming as people with it usually avoid going to the bathroom to relieve themselves and can end up with health issues.

Although only a few were mentioned in this article, there are hundreds more and all phobias should be treated as serious as it causes extreme stress for the person with the fear.

OFM News/Casey-Lee Anthony mvh

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