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Make your mental health a priority

───   09:11 Mon, 09 Oct 2023

Make your mental health a priority  | News Article

Mental health often takes a backseat in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Mid-Morning Magic's Yolanda Maartens speaks to psychiatrist, Dr Ian Westmore about the importance of prioritizing your mental health and the services offered by Bloemcare.

Bloemcare is a 116-bed private psychiatric hospital in the heart of the Free State that offers therapeutic programs and excellent nursing care. Patients are empowered with hope, enabling them to cope with life’s challenges.

Episode 1

What does it mean to have good mental health? When does it become poor mental health?

Why is it important to speak to someone when you are going through a tough time?

What coping skills can he suggest for better mental health?

Bloemcare is a Psychiatric Hospital that provides cost-effective and accessible treatment to patients in a therapeutic environment. They strive to support and educate the public; regarding mental health issues and try to eliminate the discrimination and stigmatisation associated with mental illness

Episode 2

How does it work if you need to be admitted for a longer period at a facility such as Bloemcare?

What type of sessions do you offer your patients? Which sessions work well for which type of trauma?

What is your message for someone struggling to decide whether they need help?


Mental illness, and the stigma surrounding it, is a critical issue in South Africa. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) is at the forefront of patient advocacy, education, and destigmatisation of mental illness in the country. Its expertise lies in assisting patients and callers throughout South Africa with mental health queries.

SADAG is a non-profit organisation, a registered Section 21 Company, with an 18a tax exemption. It has on its board a powerful team of patients, psychiatrists, psychologists, and general practitioners. SADAG was established 20 years ago to serve as a support network for the thousands of South Africans who live with mental health problems. Currently, it is estimated that 1 in 5 people will, or do, suffer from a mental illness. SADAG manages a 16-line counselling-and-referral call centre, and is the voice of patient advocacy, working in urban, peri-urban, and the most rural communities across South Africa.

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