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Heart health and cholesterol levels

───   10:00 Fri, 21 Apr 2023

Sponsored10:00 Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Heart health and cholesterol levels | News Article

Did you know, that according to the World Health Organisation, a 10% reduction in cholesterol can reduce your cardiovascular disease risk by 50%?

This month, Mid-Morning Magic’s “Health Focus with MNI” discussed how RyChol can help improve total cholesterol, reduce LDL-cholesterol and lower triglyceride levels. Yolanda Maartens is joined by Sanja van Wyk, product specialist at the Medical Nutritional Institute.

Cholesterol is also known as the “silent killer”.  The reason for this is that high cholesterol most often do not present with any signs or symptoms at all. In addition, high cholesterol can start at a much earlier age than what we believe.  We therefore recommend regular cholesterol screening in both men and women from a young age.  RyChol is an ideal preventative measure for high risk individuals.

Heart disease starts much younger in life than most people believe. As cholesterol-related deaths continue to rise, South Africans need to start managing their cholesterol levels far more proactively if they wish to extend their lifespan. South Africans have a particularly high incidence of genetically related abnormal cholesterol and should monitor their cholesterol levels from early adulthood. RyChol is ideal as preventative care.

Many times diet alone is not enough to combat high cholesterol.  This is especially the case with clients suffering from a family history of high cholesterol, where the problem is cholesterol production which we do not have control over.  We therefore recommend the use of RyChol in combination with dietary adjustments.

RyChol can be used:

  • As prophylaxis (prevention) in high-risk individuals
  • In early dyslipidaemia, before prescription medication become necessary
  • In combination with other lipid-lowering drugs
  • In patient’s intolerant or non-compliant with prescription medication
  • Familial hypercholesterolemia

FlamLeve is a natural anti-inflammatory product that combats inflammatory pain and protects the body and internal organs against the harmful effects of inflammation.  This unique combination of plant-derived phytochemical ingredients ensures superior absorption and bioavailability, making FlamLeve 500 times more potent than standard turmeric.

FlamLeve’s unique combination of ingredients combats neuro-inflammation and systemic inflammation in:

  • Obesity patients
  • Cardiovascular patients
  • Diabetes
  • Prostatitis in males
  • Breast density in pre-menopausal women
  • Bowl disorder
  • Cluster headaches

FlamLeve reduces inflammation and pain and protects your body from inflammatory damage. FlamLeve is ideally used to relieve mild pain, discomfort and stiffness resulting from muscle injury and inflammation, as well as an assistive therapy for acute and chronic inflammatory conditions of the organs.

“Health Focus with MNI” is made possible by RyChol from MNI. RyChol’s supports multiple pathways involved in the digestion, absorption and clearance of cholesterol and the other detrimental fats from the system.

Remember, this content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of your qualified health professional regarding your health or a medical condition.

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