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Centlec’s board to be disbanded

───   TSHEHLA KOTELI 14:55 Thu, 14 Jul 2022

Centlec’s board to be disbanded   | News Article

The Mangaung Metro Municipality‘s power utility, Centlec - which only has two active board members - has been requested by the ANC's Provincial Interim Committee (IPC) to dissolve.

The decision comes after the IPC realised that the board is unable to perform its duties as the executives of the entity. The announcement was made on Thursday by the IPC’s coordinator, Paseka Nompondo, which further stated that some board members have taken a decision to resign a while ago. He did not explain why they have resigned. This decision will give Centlec a chance to construct a proper board that will be able to perform its duty.

ALSO READ: Mangaung's Centlec workers not paid

Nompondo said that there will be a proper procedure followed when it comes to dissolving the board. A request for comment has been sent to Centlec and the Mangaung Metro Municipality.  

Centlec previously made headlines after workers did not receive their salaries. At the time, an anonymous employee at the company said the reason why they have not gotten paid remains a mystery. They made countless efforts to get hold of the top management at the power utility to try and get answers about the non-payment but all efforts have gone in vain. It was also alleged that although workers had not been paid, service providers had received their payments at the expense of workers.

It was not the first time Centlec found itself making headlines for the wrong reasons. In 2021, OFM News reported of allegations that CEO Malefane Sekoboto and the board allegedly agreed to increase his salary.

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